Municipal Programs & Services
Municipal services refer to basic services that residents of a municipality may expect the municipality to provide in exchange for the taxes its residents pay. Basic municipal services may include education, libraries, garbage collection and disposal, recyclables, sewage collection and treatment. It may also include sidewalk and road maintenance, signage, recreation programs, medical clinics and seniors housing as well as RCMP services, correctional services, fire departments, Emergency Management Organization, property inspections, animal and pest control, subdivision and by-law administration as well as programs such as the Civic Sign Program and the Private Road Assistance Program.
Funding for the services provided varies with the municipality in question. Funding can include property tax revenue, fees (such as building permits), grants from other Governments, fines such as speeding or parking violations, usage fees for optional services, or other sources such as profits from municipally owned or operated utilities.
Below is a list of some of the services the Municipality of Yarmouth provides to its residents. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Municipal Administration Office by email or call at 902-742-7159.