All property owners within the Municipality of the District of Yarmouth are eligible to apply for a civic sign and/or aluminum post for any developed property in the municipality.  Initial civic signs for each property ID (PID) are being offered free of charge.  Aluminum posts purchased with a civic sign are being offered at half price ($23.00 HST included).  In the event your civic sign is damaged or lost, a replacement sign can be purchased at the cost of $16.50 HST included.  Replacement or purchase of a post alone is $46.00 HST included.  What's the catch?  It MUST be placed in the proper location.

To download the Civic Sign Program application form as well as Guidelines for Installing your sign, click on the link below or visit the Development and Public Works Office on the lower level of the Municipal building located at 932 Hwy #1 in Hebron.  You can also phone 902-742-9691 and request the information be mailed to you.Civic Numbers

Civic Sign Program Application and Installation Guidelines

There is a limited number of signs and posts available.