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Municipality of the District of Yarmouth - truly connected

How and When to Engage with Council

General Information

How do I contact my Councillor?

You can contact your district's Councillor by phone, email, or mail.

Warden John Cunningham District 1  902-740-5332 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  932 Highway 1
Hebron, NS B5A 5Z5
Councillor Daniel Muise District 2 902-740-0395 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  932 Highway 1
Hebron, NS B5A 5Z5
Councilor Phil Mooney District 3 902-749-6379 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  932 Highway 1
Hebron, NS B5A 5Z5
Councillor Jim Baxter District 4 902-740-0416 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  932 Highway 1
Hebron, NS B5A 5Z5
Deputy Warden Trevor Cunningham District 5 902-740-3086  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  932 Highway 1
Hebron, NS B5A 5Z5
Councillor Loren Cushing District 6 902-740-2897 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  932 Highway 1
Hebron, NS B5A 5Z5
Vacant District 7 902-742-7159   932 Highway 1
Hebron, NS B5A 5Z5

Who is my polling district Councillor?

If you are unsure who your Councillor is, please contact Jenny Porter, Municipal Clerk, by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling 902-742-7159.

What can I discuss with a Councillor?

You can contact a Councillor to discuss any issues, concerns, or feedback on local issues, water & sewer services, sidewalks, events, by-laws, policies, planning, recreation, and more.

How can I get an item for discussion on a Council agenda?

First, discuss the item with your Councillor. Should the item need a broader discussion, the Councillor will request the Warden to have the item added to a future Council meeting agenda.

How can I get involved?

The Municipality is frequently seeking volunteers to sit on different Committees and Boards. For a full list of vacancies visit Voluntary Committees, or call the office at 902-742-7159. An application process is conducted through the Human Resources department and then submitted to Council for decision.

What happens if I disagree with a Council decision?

If you disagree with a decision made Council, it is important to contact your Councillor directly to discuss it. If the decision is regarding legislation, then you can provide input verbally or in writing at a Public Hearing.

Can I speak at a Council Meeting?

Even though Council meetings are open for the public to watch and listen to – either in person or online, the public cannot participate by speaking or engaging with Council during the meeting.

Anyone who is disruptive from the gallery may be asked to leave the room and/or building.

By-Law Approvals

What is the process for adopting a By-law?

By-laws are created using a formal process found in Part 7, Section 168 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA).

The steps required for adopting or amending a By-law are as follows:

  1. Staff Review
  2. First Reading
  3. Public Hearing (if required)
  4. Second Reading
  5. Minster Approval (if required)
  6. Notice of Approval

How do I find out what By-laws the Municipality currently has?

You can view or download all active By-laws or contact the Administration Office at 902-742-7159 to obtain paper copies.

How do I know what By-law and Policies Council is considering adopting or amending?

Early each year, staff creates a Legislative Agenda for Council’s approval. This agenda outlines which existing By-laws (and Policies) are up for review as well as new By-laws and policies being developed. Check agendas for January and February each year.

Where can I find Notice of Readings, Public Hearings, and Approvals?

By legislative requirement, advertisements of readings are placed in a local newspaper, Municipal Website, and the Municipality’s social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram).

How can I provide feedback on the By-law?

Not all By-laws require Public Hearings. If the By-law requires a Public Hearing, that is where Council listens to what residents have to say before a Second Reading takes place. Residents can provide their opinion/concern verbally at the meeting, or provide a written submission which is placed on the Public Hearing meeting agenda that Council reviews.

At any time, if you have a question, or concern, or want to discuss any By-law, please contact your Councillor directly.

Planning Decisions

There are three planning documents: Subdivision By-law, Municipal Planning Strategy, and Land Use By-law. These documents are essential for the Municipality and provide the foundation for development, zoning, and land uses for our residents, businesses, and industrial companies.

When can I provide input on Municipal Planning Documents?

You can always contact any member of the Planning Advisory Committee or your Councillor directly if you have questions or concerns related to a planning document. However, engagement sessions are held for specific types of applications. Information on engagement sessions is posted through a newspaper, website, social media, and radio.

Amendments to these documents follow the same Reading and Public Hearing process as a By-law.

As always, if you have a concern or feedback, please contact your Councillor directly, anytime.

Public Hearings

What is a public hearing?

This is an opportunity for Council to hear feedback on a proposal being considered. Generally, it is when there are proposed amendments to planning documents and some By-laws.

In most instances during a public hearing Council will hear from the Planner (if applicable), the applicant, and then the public. Please note that Council is to receive information and ask questions for clarification only. This meeting is not to engage in a dialogue or debate with any member of the public.

Where can I get additional information on the hearing before it occurs?

Planning documents are available online or at the Administration Building at least two weeks before the Public Hearing date; By-laws under consideration are available two business days before the Public Hearing.

When and where is the public hearing?

The date and time of the hearing are advertised in local newspapers and posted on the Municipality’s website and social media pages.

Who will get notices in the mail regarding the public hearing?

Under the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law of the Municipality, there may be requirements where certain applications filed require notices to be sent by mail to property owners within a certain distance of the impacted area. Otherwise, no notices are sent by mail to residents or landowners.

What if I want to speak at the public hearing?

You need to register to speak at a hearing by contacting the Municipal Clerk at 902-742-7159.

Please note that you must arrive before the public hearing begins and speak before the public hearing closes for your input to be considered. The chair of the meeting may place a time limit on presentations from the public based on the attendance of the public hearing. If you have written material or submissions as part of your presentation, please consider sending it in before the meeting or bringing enough copies for each member of Council. Please note that you may only bring up comments or concerns about the application being considered.

You do not need to be a resident to speak at the hearing.

Can anyone attend the public hearing?

Yes, the meeting is public and anyone can attend, whether they are a resident of the community or not.

What if I want to provide input but cannot attend in person?

You may send your comments in writing to the municipality by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), fax (902-742-3164), mail (932 Highway #1, Hebron, NS B5A 5Z5), or in person before the Public Hearing during normal business hours. Comments received after the public hearing has adjourned will not be considered. You may also send someone on your behalf to the hearing but they must provide their name and address.

How will I find out the result of the Public Hearing?

After the public hearing is closed, Council will decide at a future meeting. Their intent to consider a decision will be on the agenda. Their decision will be posted in the meeting minutes on the website.