During an emergency, you should have an emergency kit prepared so you and your family can be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours. The kit should be easy to carry. Check your kit twice a year and replace anything that is out of date.
Include these things in your emergency kit:
- Your plan
- A list of your personal support network including their name, relation, address, phone and cell numbers
- At least 6 litres of water per person (2 litres per day)
- Food that won't spoil, like canned and dry foods
- Manual can opener
- First aid supplies
- Allergy medications and special needs or equipment you use
- A list of your prescription medicines with their prescription number and purpose
- Pharmacy information
- Pet care
- At least a 3-day supply of your prescription medicines
- Wind-up or battery-powered flashlight
- Wind-up or battery-powered radio
- Batteries for your flashlight and radio
- Extra keys for your house and car
- Money in small bills
- Copies of important papers like your driver's license, birth certificate, and insurance policies.
For more information on how to be prepared, please go to Nova Scotia Emergency Management Office.