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Property assessment notices are mailed to Nova Scotia property owners by Property Valuation Services Corporation (PVSC) in January of each year.

Property Valuation Services Corporation (PVSC) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that is responsible for assessing all property in Nova Scotia as mandated under the Nova Scotia Assessment Act. Every year they generate property information that is used by municipalities, property owners, and more.

Property owners should pay attention to their assessment notices and property valuations. This includes being aware of the appeal process and timelines. Property owners should know they have the right to access their full file and the codes on their files before submitting an appeal. 

PVSC has launched a new website which provides property owners with easier access to assessment information. Property owners can use their Assessment Account Number (AAN) and PIN access number featured on their assessment notice to view detailed information on their individual properties by accessing their "My Property Report". PVSC call centre representatives are available to answer questions at 1-800-380-7775.

Information on the appeal process is available on the Property Valuation Services Corporation website and you may also pick up a copy of the Appeal Process Guide at the Municipal Building, 932 Hwy 1 in Hebron.

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