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Municipality of the District of Yarmouth - truly connected

Municipal Rebates & Exemptions

Low-Income Exemption

The Low-Income Exemption is administered by the Municipality of Yarmouth. It provides a partial tax relief of current taxes on primary residences for low-income property owners. The amount of the exemption is calculated at 50% of the primary residence's current year’s tax bill, but only up to a maximum of $200. Application forms are available at the Municipal Office in mid-March of each year.

Application forms must be returned to the Municipal Office in Hebron before May 15th of each year. Supporting documents like the Notice of Assessment from Revenue Canada verifying income from all income earners residing in the household must be received no later than June 30th. If you have any questions, please contact the Municipal Office at 902-742-7159.

For more information, please review the Municipality of Yarmouth  pdf Low Income Exemption Policy .

Tax Exemption By-law and Tax Reduction By-law

The purpose of the Tax Exemption By-law and the  pdf Tax Reduction By-law is to provide a reduction of taxes to the nonprofit community, charitable, fraternal, educational, recreation, religious, cultural or sporting organizations, if, in the opinion of council, the organization provides a service that might otherwise be a responsibility of the council as allowed under section 71(1) of the Municipal Government Act.

Reduction of Property Taxes for Property Damaged by Fire or Storms Policy

The  pdf Reduction of Property Taxes for Property Damaged by Fire or Storms Policy  allows for the reduction of the taxes payable concerning a property if a building situated on the property has been destroyed or partially destroyed by fire, storm or otherwise, and the assessment does not reflect the reduction. 

Provincial Programs

Property Tax Rebate for Seniors Program

This program, administered by Access Nova Scotia on behalf of the Department of Community Services, is designed to help eligible seniors remain in their homes by providing an annual rebate on their municipal property taxes. The program provides eligible homeowners with a rebate (determined by the Provincial Government) on property taxes paid the previous year.

This program applies to seniors receiving either the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) or The Allowance. To find out if you qualify for the GIS or The Allowance, call Service Canada at 1-800-277-9914.  

Applicants must also own and live in their home at the time they apply for the rebate and continue to reside in their home. The previous year's property taxes must also be paid in full.

For more information on the Property Tax Rebate for Seniors Program, contact Access Nova Scotia at 1-800-670-4357 or the Municipal Office at 902-742-7159. Application forms are available in July of each year at Access Nova Scotia in the Provincial Building on Starrs Road as well as the Municipal Office in Hebron. The program ends on December 31st of each year.