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Municipality of the District of Yarmouth - truly connected

The Municipality of Yarmouth has a  pdf Street Lighting Policy which guides staff, council and the general public in the installation, removal and general administration of municipally owned streetlights within the Municipality. Included in the policy is the procedure to follow when requesting a streetlight installation or removal.

Request for Streetlight Installation or Removal

Also included in the Municipality of Yarmouth  pdf Street Lighting Policy is the application to pdf Request Streetlight Installation or Removal. This form should be completed and returned to the Public Works Department in the lower level of the municipal building by hand or by post.

Streetlight Outages

Streetlight outages should be reported to the Public Works Department at 902-742-7353. You will be asked to provide the closest civic number to the outage as well as the Identification (ID) sticker number located on the bottom of the light. This number usually begins with the letters YC.