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Municipality of the District of Yarmouth - truly connected

Council Continues to Hold the Tax Rate Amid High Inflation

On June 1, 2023, the Council of the Municipality of the District of Yarmouth approved the budget for the 2023-24 fiscal year. Amid high inflation, Council continues to hold the tax rate while making strategic investments in key program areas to help improve the lives of the residents and businesses of the municipality. With the presence of competitive tax rates, MODY is a great place to both conduct business and live.

Council have renewed its contribution to the Doctor Recruitment and Retention program with the Yarmouth and Area Chamber of Commerce increasing the amount to $30,000 per year for 3 years. Additionally, over $145,000 has been re-invested in the community through grants to organizations, tourism, and place-making projects. Finally, investment to see the design and engineering for Phase II of the Nova West Regional Business Park has been made.

Operationally, Council’s largest investments are in policing - $1.427 million (up 5.4% from last year); fire protections - $1.677 million (up 51.8% from last year); solid waste collection and disposal - $941,000 (up 4.6% from last year); and public education - $2.5 million (up 7.4% from last year).


Quick Facts

  • The Residential/Resource and Commercial rates have not changed since 2018-19
  • Municipal Expenditures have grown just over 43% 2018-19 to 2023-24
  • Residential & Resource Tax Rates: $1.18 per $100 of assessment
  • Commercial Tax Rate: $2.17 per $100 of assessment
  • Special Assessment/Sewer: $89.66 per equivalent unit per quarter
  • Fire Rates (per $100 of assessment):
    • F1 Carleton: $0.11
    • F2 Port Maitland: $0.14
    • F3 Yarmouth: $0.17
    • F4 Lakes & District: $0.17
    • F5 Lake Vaughan: $0.15
    • F6 Valley & District: $0.08
    • F7 Kemptville: $0.11

Media Contacts

John Cunningham
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Victoria Brooks
Chief Administrative Officer
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Marissa Parker
Communications Officer
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