truly connected
Financial Overview
The Municipality’s annual operating budget is normally $16,000,000.00 to $18,000,000.00 per year. The capital budget varies widely, but is typically several millions of dollars per year. There are over 5,400 residential dwellings in the Municipality and we process over 9,000 tax bills each year for residential, resource, and commercial accounts.
The finances of the Municipality are organized into four distinct funds:
- General Operating Fund: where we record and account for all of our day-to-day business.
- Capital Reserve Fund: contains special restrictions and from which we account for the financial components of our capital acquisition and disposal transactions.
- General Capital Fund: where we keep track of all of our tangible capital assets such as sewer systems, sidewalks, buildings, equipment, recreational assets, and more.
- Operating Reserve Fund: holding financial reserves that can be used for special purposes such as loans to volunteer fire departments and as a store of equity as a hedge for difficult times.
The Finance Department reports our financial and operational results quarterly to Council, and more often when required on specific transactions and initiatives. Operating and capital budgets are prepared annually, with a high level of detailed input from the respective department heads and Council. The budget is normally finalized and approved by Council in May of each year.
Reporting & Statistics
The following contains financial data on the historical, prospective, and performance metrics that we use in the administration of municipal business:
The public expects the highest standards of professional conduct from Members elected to local government. The purpose of this Code is to establish guidelines for the ethical and interpersonal conduct of Council Members.
To continue reading about Standards of Conduct, Council Responsibilities, Respect for the Decision Making Process, Obligations to Citizens, and more, please download pdf Code of Conduct for Elected Municipal Officials .
Jonathan Cuming, Managing Partner TMC Law - Code of Conduct Investigator
Strategic Plan for 2021-2025
This strategic plan establishes a shared vision and commitment for a vibrant and forward-looking MODY.
It notes our top priorities and focuses on the work that Council and staff will implement to:
- Earn and keep the trust and confidence of our citizens
- Further improve the high quality of life residents currently enjoy
- Attract new residents, businesses and innovative partnerships to create opportunities at home
- Improve our infrastructure and shared assets with neighbouring municipalities
The plan is guided by a refined vision and mission, and underscored by a set of values that express our collective commitment to residents at the level of both the elected Council and the staff team.
To view the Municipality of the District of Yarmouth Strategic Plan 2021-2025, please go to the link below:
pdf Municipality of the District of Yarmouth Strategic Plan 2021-2025