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Municipality of the District of Yarmouth - truly connected

Updated Low-Income Property Tax Exemption Policy Supports More MODY Property Owners

On February 22, 2023, the Municipality of the District of Yarmouth (MODY)’s Low Income Exemption Policy was amended with the goal of supporting even more property owners. Specifically, eligible low-income property taxpayers are now able to receive a partial tax exemption from MODY, regardless of any federal or provincial property tax rebates received. This allows applicants to benefit from the municipality’s partial tax exemption, as well as any rebates received from other levels of government.

The amendment also outlines that only one application per household may be submitted, and that the household income in 2022 must not exceed $28,728.19 to be eligible. This threshold amount was increased due to a year-over-year rise of more than 7% of the Consumer Price Index in Nova Scotia.

Applications for a tax exemption must be received before May 15th of each year. For more information or to obtain an application form, please view the by-law on our website at or call 902-742-7159.


Media Contacts:

John Cunningham
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Victoria Brooks
Chief Administrative Officer
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Marissa Parker
Communications Officer
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